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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Strange psychiatric disorders

Mental disorders have always been looked at with bias, ignorance as well as fear in our society. People are labelled as being crazy and this is mainly because of the biased and uninformed view towards mental disorders. Now let's get a closer look at the so-called crazy mental disorders as well as the worst mental disorders that people suffer from..

Most families are not prepared to cope with
learning their loved one has a mental illness. It
can be physically and emotionally trying, and can make us feel vulnerable to the opinions and judgments of others.
If you think you or someone you know may have a mental or emotional problem, it is important to remember there is hope and help.

We’ve all heard of the most famous psychological disorders :-

schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
and so on.

But there are many disorders that most people
haven’t heard of ― some of which are rather bizarre, to say the least. We’ve already seen a couple of lists on mental disorders, which you can read here and here :-
● Landau-Kleffner Syndrome - Language Disorder

Landau-Kleffner Syndrome is an odd disorder; children who suffer from it frequently lose the ability to properly express and understand language . Some people with this syndrome also suffer from seizures, and scientists are
yet to understand why the disorder occurs.
It’s all made stranger by the fact that the children usually develop their language skills just fine, and then seem to lose them randomly. Certain speech therapies can be helpful in managing the condition, but it is fairly difficult to treat.
This disorder affects children between 5-7 years old. It is really a crazy mental disorder because kids who had well developed language skills suddenly lose the ability to understand language or express themselves. The loss of language may be because the part of the
brain which controls speech and comprehension is affected. It is difficult to treat, although speech therapy can be of some help. Some children who suffer from this condition also suffer from seizures,
rage, anxiety and impaired short-term memory.
● Aboulomania - Indecision

Aboulomania isn’t a very well-known disorder; essentially, it involves the occasional onset of crippling indecision. Aboulomania sufferers are normal in practically every other way, physically and mentally—they simply run into very serious problems whenever they’re faced with certain choices, to the extent that they struggle to regain normal function. Some aboulomania sufferers face incredible difficulties in everyday life, finding it nearly impossible to do simple things; even wondering whether or not they should go out for a walk can paralyze them with indecision. Many sufferers report that their incapacity to do what they want comes in spite of that fact that they’re aware of being physically fine—and so they seem to be imprisoned by the inability to fulfill their own will.
This particular is not a very well-known crazy mental disorder. In this condition, the person is unable to function properly when he or she have to make choices. Even a basic decision of going out for a walk becomes difficult for them.
The indecision is so severe that it becomes difficult for them to regain normal functioning. They may experience anxiety, depression, stress and mental anguish. People can become socially reclusive.
● Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Caffeine can induce serious anxiety, and a good portion of the world is high on caffeine at any given time—which means there is a good chance that many people are suffering from this right now. While researchers have long acknowledged that caffeine increases the chances of anxiety, they have additionally found that people who already have a regular anxiety disorder are far more susceptible to the psychological effects of caffeine. So if you’re already prone to panic attacks, ingesting caffeine could well lead to an even greater risk.
● Boanthropy

Boanthropy is a strange delusional disorder whereby a person believes himself to be a cow or an ox. Some people think that the disorder usually starts out as a dream and goes on to pervade the waking mind, eventually taking hold as a full-blown delusion. It’s also possible that the condition can be induced by hypnotism, provided that the subject is more than a little suggestible. Nebuchadnezzar, King of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, is generally thought to have suffered from this condition—at least according to the Book of Daniel, which states that he “was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen.”
● Autophagia Self-Mutilation

This one will definitely be labelled as one of the crazy mental disorders and can be life-threatening because a person with this condition tends to eat parts of his own body compulsively! It is type of impulse control disorder and can start off with biting nails and end up with mutilated fingers or other body part.
The person is excited or aroused before committing the act and derives pleasure, relief or gratification when doing this. And afterwards, they will not feel guilt or regret.
You might want to put your food away for this one. Autophagia refers to the condition of eating yourself, or parts of yourself—often by simply biting and chewing impulsively. This disorder doesn’t have an official place of its own in the DSM-IV, but it would fit in with impulse control disorders in general. One man apparently began by merely biting his own nails—but ended up with such a problem that he severely mutilated his fingers. As with most disorders, this one can range from very mild to life threatening.
● Alien Hand Syndrome - Rebellious Arm

This is a very frustrating mental disorder for the person suffering from it. The person lack control on the arm. It acts on its own – moving around, picks up things, responds to other person’s touch. It can cause a lot of distress to the victim and the hand is often referred to as a separate entity from the body.
This condition can be caused after brain surgery to correct epilepsy. It can also be seen after a stroke, tumor, aneurysm or infection and Alzheimer’s disease.

Alien hand syndrome sounds really cool, but it is hard to imagine it being anything but extremely frustrating for the person experiencing it. Basically, it occurs when an arm seems to have a mind of its own; it moves around, grabs hold of things, and responds to to the touch of another person—but it does this without the control of the person to whom it belongs. As you’d expect, this nightmare syndrome can lead to great distress on the part of the sufferers, who often refer to their rogue arm as though it were a separate entity.
● Taijin Kyofusho

This phenomenon is most widespread in Japan, or more specifically, among those who grew up according to the customs and social expectations of Japanese culture. Taijin Kyofusho is characterized by a crippling fear of social interactions, and a vivid awareness of everything that could possibly go wrong, such as having an offensive body odor or doing something that will offend someone in any other way. That the condition should arise in Japan is in many ways unsurprising, since Japanese culture is well known for placing importance on keeping up appearances and etiquette in social situations.
● Erotomania - Paranoid Crush

Erotomania is a pretty strange disorder; essentially, it refers to people who are deluded into thinking that someone else is in love with them. But what makes this disorder especially bizarre is that the person who is supposedly in love with the sufferer is usually someone of much higher status than themselves—and often a celebrity. This delusion can be difficult to break; even if the supposed lover directly denies any feelings of love, it is often not enough to convince the deluded individual. Unfortunately, there isn’t much known about this particular disorder, especially in regard to its treatment.
Among all crazy mental disorders, this one makes its victims believe that someone is in love with him or her. And usually this someone is of a higher status, like a celebrity. It is difficult to break this belief, even when the supposed person denies being in love. They might even believe there are several secret admirers and have delusion of reference as well.
This condition is usually seen in people who suffer from other mental conditions like bipolar mania, schizophrenia, psychosis and delusional disorder.
● Riley-Day Syndrome

Riley-Day Syndrome is also known as Familial Dysautonomia; and it’s a disorder that is genetically inherited. To actually show signs of having the condition, however, the relevant gene has to be passed on by both parents. Basically, Riley-Day syndrome affects the autonomous nervous system. While there are many extremely unpleasant symptoms (such as frequent vomiting, and difficulty swallowing), it does also have some arguably cool features. Chief among these is the fact that many people with the condition are almost entirely insensitive to pain. Of course, though a painless life sounds great in theory, it doesn’t work so well in practice. Pain is actually your friend; it sends signals to your brain to let you know when something needs fixing—so to go without it altogether isn’t necessarily going to be a pleasant experience.
● Stendhal Syndrome—Beauty Shock

In this particular condition, people are unable to handle exposure to too much beautiful art in a short span of time. This syndrome is common amongst tourists when they visit breathtaking cultural or artistic places or see famous work of art. In face of these things, they will undergo dizziness, increased heartbeat, confusion, disorientation and hallucinations.
● Stockholm Syndrome—Love for My Captor

In this condition, the victim ends up feeling sorry for the kidnapper and gets attached to them and voluntarily complies. It usually happens in cases of kidnapping, but is also seen in cases of child abuse, rape and wife-beating.
The condition is said to happen when the two individuals are tied in a strong emotional bond as a result of being harassed, abused and intimidated. It could also be the reaction of trauma and identifying with the aggressor.
● Antisocial Personality Disorder—Apathy, Hatred and Cold-Bloodedness

Among all crazy mental disorders, this one is so known because many TV series include stories about it. So we know it's really dangerous and is also referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy. They lack empathy, which leads them to have no morals or emotions. Besides, they may have behaviors, like deception, lying, impulsiveness, irritability, aggression, unconcern for feelings of others, lack of remorse and disregard for safety.
● Alice In Wonderland Syndrome

Painful migraines and misconceptions about the world around you. That is life for a sufferer of AIWS. Sufferers are prone to hearing sounds larger and smaller than they actually are. Objects look larger and smaller than they actually are as well. It could be a land of enchantment if there wasn’t so much pain wrapped around it.
Furthering the connection to the book, AIWS has similarities to an LSD trip, but without the euphoric feelings. That may be because the syndrome has links to those that use psychoactive drugs, but it can stem from tumors as well. Thankfully, this problem tends to only impact people into their 20s.
● Pica

This eating disorder is sometimes linked to Kluver-Bucy Syndrome for their needs to eat non-food substances. This includes grass, dirt, pins and other items found in everyday life. Once a stomach of a Pica sufferer is examined, it can be mind blowing to see what is left in there after years of self-abuse.

Pica does have some detractors, people who believe that it isn’t an illness. Some have raised the issue that it is a mineral deficiency in the subject. Others believe it to be an illness, but cultural in origin. Regardless, a life of compulsions to eat strange objects is scary enough. No matter how it gets labeled.

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